That year I went on one of my solitary European excursions, and the country of choice was Italy. I jokingly told friends that I intended to get swept off my feet by a dashing Antonio or an adorable Gianni, drink wine and hear the sexy, overzealous accent of an Italian man, and be romanced. I needed an ego boost and was told Italy is where you go to get that. But what I met, in the hustle and bustle of Milan was Akeem, from Senegal. All my dreams of meeting a man with olive skin, jet black hair swept back and wavy, were deflated by Akeem, who turned into a stalker, like the men above. Signs were misread on Akeem's part too. He was obviously looking for his Queen, who so happened to be living in Queens at the time, and wanted to take her back to Zamunda! This Queens girl, by way of London, ran for the hills, never to see Akeem again. Maybe I missed the boat with with Akeem; he could have been a Prince, if I could have gotten past the funky stench that seeped through his pours. I might have been scooped up and be living lavishly now, walking on rose petals, and being bathed by servants. I'll never know.
Dating in New York is much of the same thing. Men just don't read the signs. You say, "I'm not looking for a relationship." Male interpretation: Good, cuz I don't want one either; I just want a good time. In other words -- a leg over. You say, "I don't want to get involved with anyone; I'm all about meeting new people and making friends." I know, cheesy line, but we do use it. However, the male interpretation is: Once she spends more time with me, she can't resist my manliness. Then you get desperate, and you tell them flat out, "I'm not interested." They still see it as an opportunity to chase, chase, chase, as that is what men do. Well, not all of them, but a lot of them.
It's pretty obvious for both sexes when they meet someone they're attracted to. The connection is made immediately, either it be through the eyes or actual body language and actions. If a woman feeds lines to stave a man off, then she does not like him, and chances are, it's not going to change. If we entertain a little drinking and dancing, hanging out, there is the potential of something, a friendship, developing. But dudes, when a woman feeds you an excuse to avoid you, she's not even wanting a friend in you. As awful as it seems, its the mighty truth. Life is too short.
Keep it moving!
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