Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Looking for Barack Obama

Yes, I’m joining the flock of women who are looking for their own Barack Obama's. From the strut in his walk, to poignant gaze of interest he gives when listening, the charming and alluring smile, those perfect teeth, the slim frame in suits that make the Five Percent look homeless, to the short cropped hair and the age defying grays sprinkled by his side burns, the commanding tone to his voice, and his diction which flows like the perfect composition. This man has grace, this man is distinguished, this man commands attention. I want a man. Just. Like. That. Or as close to it as possible.

A man who recognizes a wife is not only a just a wife, but a best friend, and genuinely expresses this love is just beautiful. All former presidents of our lifetime, have never displayed love so naturally and beautifully. They'd have their Stepford-esque wives on display, all possessing the same vacant gaze in their eyes. From the start, Michelle has been his cheerleader, from the pound shake to the nose rub on election night. We can understand why. If I was expecting a child right now, girl or boy, their name would be Barack.

My Barack however, might look a little different. He might be tattooed and pierced in odd places, his pants might even be sagging, he might be bald or have a mane of unruly hair, and brogues would not be his choice of footwear. But this is all surface. The qualities of my Barack would include intelligence, dedication, passion, drive, inspiration, devotion, sincerity, and a love for ME! That's my Barack. Where are you, man?!!

So yes, I'm still ridin' high on our President-elect, and even more overjoyed that The Cosby family will be moving into the White House come January. [Smiles.]

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I can't begin to tell you how moved I was last night. Barack Obama will be the next President of the United States of America! It was meant to be and feels as though it was a divine intervention. The journey was rough and still he handled himself with such grace, making his run for president the perfect one. We have lived through some serious storms, and now, we can see over the horizon that better and brighter days are ahead of us as a people. A lot is weighted on this man, and it was wonderful that Hillary Rodham Clinton acknowledged and voiced this as expectations are extremely high right now. As Obama said last night in true democratic fashion, "I need your help to make change."

Rosa Parks sat so Martin Luther King, Jr. could walk. Martin Luther King Jr. walked so Barack Obama could run. Barack Obama is running so that we can FLY.

Celebrate our Black President by wearing the Black President T-Shirt featured above and designed by Dwayne Rodgers. Black President Apparel can be purchased at DwayneRodgers.com/blackpresident. Get your shirt now, as stock will not last!